Trailblazer Investigations Inc Long Island Suffolk County Private Investigators

Trailblazer Investigations Inc is a NYS Licensed & Bonded Private Investigtion Agency. We specialize in matrimonial investigations, pre-marital checks, pre-employment checks, background investigations, worker's compensation insurance fraud and finding people. We have contacts throughout the United States and Europe. Ask about our Special Services. Visit us at: Tel#: 631.921.5036

Monday, October 24, 2005

Drug Users supporting Terrorists

If you need a reason to stop using it is!!!!!!!

According to the indictment, Mohammad said in 1990 that selling heroin in the United States was a form of jihad because they were taking the money of Americans and the heroin was killing them.

He was recently brought into this country to stand trial.

Well.......there it is. Need I say anymore?


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